Dig Deep and Find the Treasure Buried Deep Within .... You!

Pirate Springs has faced the need for more capacity and has been put in a position to open four men’s Clean Living + homes to start out 2024.

Please consider a monthly gift of some amount you can manage to help us offer safe housing environments for these men and women.

Below are other items we need to continue to drive the program forward.

Current Needs

Twin Beds
Night Stands
Dishes and Flatware

 Recurring Needs

Women’s Toiletries and Feminine Products $250.00 or items
(We use a lot of paper products!)
Laundry Soap
Toilet paper and Paper towels ($50.00 or items)
Rent Scholarship Funds (@ $125 per week) – Open Amount

For Clean Time

Recurring supply needs $125 per mo.

Housing – Women’s

We are looking for a way to purchase a new property that will enable us to develop a recovery community center. This center would enable us to provide a safe place for people in recovery to gather and relax, hold community information events, provide space to 12 step groups to host recovery meetings and even offer IOP and PHP


New computers $1,800