In the series, I have discussed a paradigm shift that is necessary to start making an impact in the war on substance abuse and helping people recover from the ravages of their disease.

This entry is not really an addition to the series, but more of an announcement that what we preach we are trying to put into practice and an invitation for you to attend a meeting on this topic.

Here in my home state, the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse is backing an initiative to create community centered Faith Based Coalitions.  While there are many organizations, groups, and individuals that address the problem of substance abuse on their own level, there is strength in numbers and we believe that in order to truly create a community solution, those who are involved or even just concerned will accomplish more if a unified strategy is created and followed.

To that end, there is a meeting on Thursday, January 19th, 2017 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm to begin organizing such a coalition in Bradley County.

It is not necessary that you live in Bradley County to attend, feel free to come and see what we are trying to accomplish with the thought that the same concept might work in your community.

We could use your input, your help, and your care for the community and those who live in it.

Please click on this link for information and to register.

PS – The break in the Newsletter series is due to a surgery and I am only now getting to where I can type again.  I will resume the series in the next week or two.

Paul G. Hook
Pirate Springs